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PGA of America Events


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April 30-May 3, 2023   Twin Warriors & Santa Ana

Golf Channel highlights
Check out Michael Block at 3:40 mark!

PGA of America webpage

Thank you to all our volunteers! 
your golf round voucher is on file at the Twin Warriors golf shop

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2nd Women's PGA Cup     

October 24-29, 2022    Twin Warriors Golf Club

Golf Channel Highlight Show 

 Women's PGA Cup webpage 

Teams from six world PGAs competed in the Women’s PGA Cup :
Australia, Canada, Great Britain & Ireland, South Africa, Sweden and the United States.
Thank you to all our volunteers! 
your golf round voucher is on file at the Twin Warriors golf shop

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October 13-16, 2022  Twin Warriors & Santa Ana

PGA of America Sr PPC webpage

